quality of life home Sacramento

How does quality of life improve real estate values?

The highest value per foot in the single house residential real estate market is a home. A retail home buyer will pay an average of 3.5% to 16% more for a property than a renter house buyer. The quality of life a home buyer desires is the main value feature to pay more for the property. The area that creates a higher quality of life for it residents will receive higher housing values.

quality of life home

Quality of life is a personal journey

Finding ways to improve one’s own life is a major design of many people. Creating a higher quality of life personally is a lot of hard work. We can improve our quality of life by getting healthier, wiser, wealthier and more spiritual. None of these things come easy. Therefore, hearing wise words and motivation messages are a major help in our journey.

I hope these wise and motivational words help you on your journey.

reaching your dream home in Nevada

“The Distance Between Your Dreams and Reality is Called Action” 

Knowledge is no longer power, it is taking action on that knowledge that creates power in our lives. Make today the day you start taking action at turning your goals into a reality! 

Massive action = massive results! 

Have an amazing day and week! 

perseverance in Home buying

Winston Churchill has a famous quote where he said “If You’re Going Through Hell, Keep Going”….

So many people in life do not succeed as they quit once life gets hard. Just remember if it were easy, everyone would be doing it! Keep pushing, never quit and overcoming those painful times will become your greatest assets in life!

Have an amazing week!

Take Action in Nevada real estate with Dan Parisi

“The Distance Between Your Dreams and Reality is Called Action” 

Knowledge is no longer power, it is taking action on that knowledge that creates power in our lives. Make today the day you start taking action at turning your goals into a reality! 

Massive action = massive results! 

Have an amazing day and week! 

winning in life finding a home

“You Will Never Reach Your Destination If You Stop And Throw  Stones At Every Dog That Barks.”
Winston Churchill 

 There will always be critical person … The more successful you become the more you will have… Why? Most people are not committed enough to do “The Work” that it truly takes to become successful, so the next easiest thing to do is to try and tear down others… 

Treat critical people as a positive… it shows you are on the right track! 

Have an amazing week and if you need anything I am available! Thanks again! 

achievement in Reno real estate

“Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.”
~ Napoleon Hill

Once you get clarity on what you want to achieve in this life, you then must get clarity on what you are willing to give up to make this a reality!

Success does not come without sacrifice, but the great thing is that you do not have sacrifice what is most important to you!
Have an amazing week!

Get out of your Comfort Zone Dan Parisi

“A Comfort Zone Is a Beautiful Place, But Nothing Ever Grows There.”

The magic happens outside of our comfort zones… we must be willing to get uncomfortable in order to create greatness in our lives!

Go get uncomfortable and go start creating the life you know you want and deserve!

Have an amazing week!