Should I buy or rent a home in Sacramento California?
The answer to buying or renting a home in Sacramento California has two key issues. The life style and financial issues are the important factors to buy a home or keep renting. The life style issue is most important to many Californians. The renter life style is a different type of freedom than a home owner freedom. Which is best? It is a personal choice.
What are the financial choices between renting and buying a home?
The financial choices of renting or buying a home are very much different ways to reaching a financial goal. Home ownership is a good way to attain personal wealth objective. Understanding the financial numbers and the real estate market place are the basis to making a good decision which is best for you, either home ownership or renting. Owning a home also means you are building equity, whereas when you rent, you aren’t investing in anything long-term.
Does renting reduce the risk versus home ownership?
One of the advantages of renting is reducing risk. The up-front outlay of money required to rent is usually the first and last month’s rents and a security deposit. The financial upfront cost in renting is much less than home ownership. This will help to reach your housing goals.
Does renting or home ownership help with a budget?
Rent typically goes up every year, but mortgage payments can stay in a range. A mortgage generally keeps your monthly living expenses consistent – something you don’t get when you rent. Repairs and maintenance problems can be a budget buster when owning a home. Monthly rent payments are set in the lease agreement. The rental period of three years or more can help with long term budgeting.
What is the up-front cost of buying a home?
Home ownership up-front costs include knowing the purchase price which give the amount of the down payment, cost to buy a home (escrow, recording, signing and more fees), the cost of a home loan or mortgage, any repairs or style improvements, property taxes, property insurance and more. The standard starting point for up-front cash is around 10%. The cost can be much less with a knowledgeable real estate broker and mortgage broker. There are ways to negotiate the purchase price of a home to greatly reduce the up-front cash cost of buying a home.
How to lower the maintenance cost of buying a home?

Another way renting limits the risk of housing is that costs of renting are mostly fixed. The rent payment is a known amount every month. This can be budgeted and life style choices can be made with confidence. Home ownership has costs like property taxes, maintenance issues and unexpected repair costs. Budget busting expenses are a risk with home ownership. This risk can be managed with a repair fund and home warranty.
When buying a property you will want to be extra sure to have a home inspection done to make sure there are no surprise expenses.
Is renting better if I only want to live in an area for a short time?
Renting provides greater mobility than owning a house. The lease term is known. Also, the possibility of subleasing and the possibility of paying only a relatively small fee to end a lease early can lower the risk. If you have a Lease-Purchase Agreement you can walk away from the option and allow it to expire if you choose not to buy the property.
It costs money to sell a home. It also can take some time to sell. In addition, the timing of selling real estate is not always in the owner’s favor. But renting out a home may be quick and profitable if a need arises to move quickly.
What is a rent to own home agreement?
Rent-to-own homes are homes that include a clause in the rental agreement which either gives you the option to buy or an obligation to buy after a certain time period. You make rent payments each month and a certain amount of the payments can count toward your down payment. Rent to own contracts can vary significantly and require due diligence on the part of the renter.
Because rent to own homes are unique situations, maintenance and repair obligations should be clearly laid out in your lease agreement. A good option is rent to own homes. Rent to own agreements are the leases that include either an option to buy or a requirement to buy after a certain period of time. The rental payments can include both rent and funds that contribute to a future down payment. Having your monthly rent payments go toward a future down payment can help you save, and take those first steps toward homeownership. Make sure it is very clear on the purchase price of the home within the contract. Double check the documents in escrow to see if they state what both parties agreed too.
What’s the main difference between buying a home and renting to own? When you buy a home, you become the homeowner as soon as you close the sale. Buying a home outright typically requires that you have a lump sum of money to use for a down payment. With rent-to-own, homeownership is delayed. This gives time to build a better credit score report, and save money.
What are the two advantages to home ownership?
The advantages of home ownership in California center on wealth and life style. Owning a house can be free of any restrictions that a landlord may require.

Some specific areas have CC & R’s (Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions) which have conditions of ownership. A more restrictive environment to home ownership is an HOA or Home Owner’s Association. It is very important to understand the CC & R’s and HOA’s BEFORE buying a home.
Do home prices only go up?
Buying a home in Sacramento California is an investment. But sometimes the investment doesn’t work out as planned. Houses are a risky investment which can go up in value and at times go down in value. Houses are a supply and demand investment.
When deciding on where to live, the profitability of a property is not always the main concern. I owned a home for 8 years. It was underwater (below the price I paid for the home) 6 of the years. But I loved living in the community even though the house was not worth what I paid for it for most of the time. A key wealth insight of real estate is that the property’s true value is only known when you buy or sell it. All the other times its value is theoretical.
Does buying a home have tax advantages?
In most cases buying a home has some tax advantages. But tax laws change so it is a good idea to understand how they apply to a specific tax situation. Also keep that thought in mind – tax laws change. In the past, people used real estate to dramatically lower their tax liability. There are still ways to accomplish that goal with real estate. But it could be more for investment real estate than home ownership. Ask a tax expert to fully understand the tax implications of owning real estate.
What is pride of home ownership?
Another benefit of home buying is the pride of ownership. Pride of ownership shows itself in many ways. The look and feel of the home is just one way to show pride. Entertaining at home is another way home ownership is enjoyed. Also, the security of feeling comfortable in a stable home is another way to enjoy the satisfaction of ownership. The joy of gardening is another reason people buy their own home.
Should we rent or buy a home?

The answer to the question should a person buy a home or rent in Sacramento California comes down to what is important to the individual. In many cases how much risk a person feels comfortable with versus how important are the wealth effects and control of live style issues. The home buying process is a way to go from wanting to own a house to actually buying a home.
What is the first step in buying a home?

The first step in most first time home owners is finding out if they can get a mortgage. Applying for a mortgage pre-qualification is the first step in getting a home loan. Basically, you just give us your name, phone number, and some basic information and a lender will give you a general idea of how much you can borrow. A higher credit score also gives you access to a variety of loan products and lower interest rates. The main benefit to a veteran looking to buy a home ion Sacramento CA is the VA home loan.
Rent-to-own may be a good option for those with low credit scores, because it gives you time to work toward improving your score before you need to apply for a mortgage. The rent money (or rent credits) you save over the course of your lease go toward your down payment (if you buy the home). You can work with the seller to agree on a fair purchase price after your lease expires. This process usually involves an appraisal to determine how much the home is worth.
Do the numbers work out to rent a home or buy a home?
The answer can be surprising! If you don’t run the numbers you don’t know if buying is better for your situation.
Use the below calculator to see the estimated wealth effect of owning a home versus renting. You can compare the affordability of renting vs. buying a house by consulting an online calculator to look at monthly payments.
Enter estimated Rent, Home Purchase, and Financial Information. This calculator analyzes the total cost to rent versus the total cost to own. To estimate taxes, insurance, and maintenance, select appropriate box. Not all calculated values are displayed. Home appreciation and rent increase values vary by area.
A positive/negative Home Purchase Benefit indicates the financial advantage/disadvantage of owning your own home. Various intangible factors can be analyzed in this decision such as relocation possibilities, pride of ownership, improved lifestyle, etc.

Coffee Real Estate and Dan Parisi are ready to help with your real estate consultant needs. They are local Sacramento and Northern California real estate agents ready to help you with finding a home.

How to begin looking for a home can create problems. Each person has their own priority of what is important. For some it is where to buy a home in Sacramento or in Placer County. Others, it is the must haves of the house the wants, needs and must have list. Coffee Real Estate works with home buyers to find the right home for them. Let’s begin the process today.